terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010
Boas Festas
Carla Feliciano- TT05/10
quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010
Notas sobre a bateria “InfoLITHIUM”
- Carregue a bateria NP-FR 1 fornecida, antes de utilizar a câmara pela primeira vez.
- A bateria pode ser carregada mesmo que não esteja completamente descarregada. Além disso, mesmo que a bateria não esteja completamente carregada, pode utilizar a carga parcial da bateria como está.
- Se não for utilizar a bateria durante um longo período de tempo, descarregue-a completamente e retire-a da câmara e em seguida guarde-a num local frio e seco. Isto é para manter as funções da bateria.
Notes on the “InfoLITHIUM” Battery pack
-Charge the supplied NP-FR 1 battery, pack before using the camera for the first time.
-The battery pack can be charged even if it is not completely discharged. Also, even if battery pack is not fully charged, you can use the partially charged capacity of the battery pack as is.
-If you do not intend to use the battery pack for a long time, use up the existing charge and remove it from your camera, then store it in a cool, dry place. This is to maintain the battery pack´s functions
sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010
Internet & Social networks
Defenitly Internet was a wonderful idea, it changes the world for better of course, things became more easy to do. The communication between persons and companies much more faster. Things that took several days to make, such as sending correspondence, most can now be sent using the Internet saving time and money.
The Social Networks, in their way are very good to. Speaking for myself, social networks have allowed me to meet old friends and keep in touch with family. If they didn`t exist, i have no chance of doing it.
Good weekend for You all!
Nuno Campiso
segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2010
Tenta Sorrir
Ana Sofia Vieira
sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010
-"É preciso correr riscos, seguir certos caminhos e abandonar outros. Ninguém é capaz de escolher sem medos."
-" Se tenta ser bonzinho "é julgado", se tenta ser você "é criticado", então prepare-se para as críticas e siga adiante."
Filipa Ramos TT06/10
segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010
A Educação...
os professores fascinantes educam para a vida..."
O que não nos destroi, torna-nos mais fortes!
Joaquim Carvalho
estrada da vida
nem sempre é facil, as opçoes por vezes deixam-nos indecisos, e mais tarde pensamos ..? se tivesse feito isto ou aquilo, hoje ja nao teria esta dificuldade ? ou estaria melhor na vida!...
mas acho que É proprio da vida, pois so quem faz algo, labuta , procura evoluir , tem forçosamente de tomar decisoes as quais irão certamente direccionar a sua vida..
so aprende quem faz, certamente tera erros, mas com eles apreendera a forma de melhorar os conhecimentos as suas atitudes os seus desafios......
é importante que saibamos arrumar as "pedras" do nossos caminho de modo a que se construa algo positivo ate ao fim do caminho..
..para isso procuramos melhorar a nossa maneira de estar reforçada com a procura de conhecimentos e saberes, avivar as ideias, de modo a que estejamos preparados para a coexistencia humana em toda a sua amplitude, e sermos uteis entre pares../
esta participaçao tem um pouco a ver com a vontade de ..de melhorar ou pelo menos sera mais um desafio a vencer, podera ser um trampolim para outros....levando a concretizaçao de sonhos e ou objectivos
voto que o n/ grupo Chegue todo AO FIM, sinal que atingimos objectivos a que nos propusemos
GRUPO TT 06/10
domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010
Iniciação na blogosfera por Anand Rosatella
Até á próxima sessão.
Grupo TT 05/10
sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010
sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010
quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010
Alexandre Carlos
Grupo TT06/10
terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010
Que a sorte esteja conosco
Pronto um credito ja cá canta so faltam mais 43
Boa sorte a todos
Alexandre Carlos
Grupo TT 06/10
Maria da Conceiçao Batista
Boas Vindas- Sérgio Duarte TT06/10
Vosso colega Sérgio Duarte
segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010
Mensagem de boas vindas aos grupos TT05/10 e TT06/10

Por vezes o povo português desvaloriza o seu país ou atribui-lhe adjectivos pouco positivos, pois existem alguns problemas de ordem social que desagradam a muitos. No entanto Portugal tem também aspectos positivos.
Deixe a sua opinião sobre este ou outro assunto à sua escolha.
Bom trabalho!
Ângelo Teodoro
quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010
O que penso sobre Internet
What the Internet is:
The internet is most important actual communication way.
It can be very useful, but also very danger if not careful used.
Someone sad: “Internet was the best and worth thing the men had done”.
In fact it looks like that.
· When the men made the first car it was made with a motor to move on, but also with a brake system to stop it.
· When the men made an electric circuit he installs fuses to blow before burn all installation.
· In an airplane there are always two or three alternative systems as reserve for the active one.
We can see the men always taking care for its developments, but with internet it does not look like.
· The men cannot stop it
· The men has not control over it
· The men cannot inspect or create a security device to limit the access for good or dangerous things or subjects.
We can get a lot of information about quit all possible things we have in mind, we can communicate online, meaning instantly, with the four corners of the world – as we say in a good Portuguese - we can send or receive information under different formats, we have remote access to any equipment installed in other side of the world. We have social net works to communicate friendly, hear music or see pictures.
But the internet also can be used for criminal effects; it can be used to destroy human goods; it can be used by the most dangerous human brains, and all of these, without any kind of control.
Now a day we cannot live without internet or other electronic communication system, but we have to take care how we use it and take care what internet can do against us.
It depend mainly of our self the correct use of this fantastic tool to our jobs or this fantastic toy to our free time.
terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010
My son, cell phone and internet
My name is Rita, I share a conversation I had with my son about the importance for him of the phone and internet.
My son is seven years old, he started to attend school this year and last month the asked me why I didn't give him a phone. I explained to him he was very small and didn't know what truly means a phone and he could take some risks. Although not proven by doctors mobile phones can cause cancer, a bad disease in the brain and also we didn`t want to suffer from this disease. When I really wanted to talk to him there would always be someone that would put me into contact with him.
He asked me why not let him play or surf the internet without my company.
Also because he is a child and knew little and could have access to inappropriate sites for his age, the games with appealing colors are another danger, which by chance could give us some information that might harm us.
Then I asked him why he wanted a phone or surfing the internet?
He answeped: -Because my school friends have such equipment and are more respected by friens and it is fashion.
And I thought!
Parents and educators know the risks faced by their children, is it more important to be trendy or always contactable? I don't accept it, children of this age always in the care of an adult, it isn't a necessity.
Best regards.
Rita Pereira
segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010
De seguida apresento tradução em Inglês:
As form of validation of credits in the RVCC process, it was requested the participation in this blogue in Portuguese and English. Personally i do not participate in none blog for considerating that the majority of blogs is not reliable and they are not valid scientifically. I am not adept to write messages without valid reason. As already i affirmed i only participate in this blogue to validate the necessary credits for the conclusion of the RVCC process.
Hugo Costa
TT 05/09
domingo, 11 de abril de 2010
Tradução de um Post no meu Blogue para Inglês!
Assim traduzo aqui para Inglês uma das mensagens que coloquei no meu blogue e cujo tema é a “poda das roseiras” ou em Inglês “pruning the rosebushes”.
A pesquisa que efectuei sobre este tema foi muito produtiva pois embora já conhecesse muitas das dicas que lá coloco aprendi as razões pelas quais elas devem ser aplicadas.
Before we proceed we must ask ourselves, why is it so important to prune a Rosebush?
If they are wild plants, then why prune them?
The advantages of pruning plants, is the result of thousand year old traditions and knowledge. Since the early days of sedentary life, that humans have developed techniques for agriculture, allowing advantages in production yields and/or aesthetic properties superior to those found on the original wild plants.
Thus, the advantages of pruning may be summarized as follows:
- It gives them Health (not pruned, the rosebushes lose their beautiful appearance)
- Favors larger flowers and flowering (many)
- Does reduce the risk of disease (damaged toes, withered flowers are very vulnerable to infections)
Still there remains the need to take into consideration excessive pruning and safety measures:
- An excessive pruning can kill the rosebush mainly if there is already a lack of proper care. Proceed progressively.
- Protect your hands from spikes using protective gloves.
In General we should prune the rosebush for the first time shortly after the first buds appear, in accordance with the following steps:
- Cut each Branch above the 3rd newborn bud counting from the base (above 4 or 5 If the rosebush is vigorous)
- Cutting the older branches which assimilate a grayish color
- Put fertilizer in the toe.
During the plant’s life pruning should be carried out with regularity, while always remembering to:
- Cut the weakest buds which are most prone to disease
- Cut branches which intersect and crossover each other and prevent the circulation of air
- Dig the land around the foot of the plant in order to aerate the roots.
How does it work, when and why?
Generally, in the colder months of the year, and when the rosebushes in a "dormant" state, they should be pruned so as to allow the plant to strongly develop into a proper growth and help produce good quality flowers.
Most plants need to be pruned, but in the case of rosebushes, pruning them is very important to assure future proper plant development.
Overall, the right time to prune of rose bushes should be at the beginning of their growth season, spring. However, if your area happens to be very cold and windy, as mine is, it is also advisable to clear them up in the autumn, so that the rosebushes do not sustain any injuries during the winter.
Usually the first pruning should occur one year after having been planted – the so-called rookie pruning, which will essentially guide the structure of the rosebush.
After this first plant modeling session, an annual cleanup of the rosebush should be made, which will eliminate any damaged, broken, or pest infected branches. Left alone, these branches, would eventually weaken the plant, while emasculating healthy branches that would have greater potential to yield flowers with higher quality.
Nonetheless, guidance is necessary when dealing with rosebushes and most of the activities relating to pruning. It is advisable to wait until the temperature is around 10ºC, since the plant is in a state of dormancy. The phase of the Moon should be Waning Gibbous because, although it’s not proven scientifically, the fact is that pruning during this lunar phase yields better results and is thus more favorable. The pruning of rosebushes will always depend on the species in question (meaning that it will be different if we are talking about a shrub or a vine) and has two functions: to model and to revitalize the plant.
There are three types of pruning to take into account with respect to the rosebushes:
Low Pruning
- First do a clean-up of the rosebush, removing weak and ill-formed branches.
- Then cut all branches, leaving them at a height of 3 yolks from the shaft (25cm from the graft point).
- Cutting always in diagonal approximately 1 cm above the nearest yolk.
- This will force blooming. Ideal for pitfall-roses, "Santa Teresina" roses or thumbnails.
Tall Pruning
- Once again do a clean-up of the plant similar to the low pruning while cutting 80cm long branches to a height of 1 m.
- In stronger plants one may leave them a little longer, but avoid the rosebush grouping usually it’s more appropriated to the place where they are situated.
- This type of pruning is used for both rosebushes and shrubs, although in the case of vines, there is no need to be as dramatic.
Partial Pruning
- Follow the same start as in the previous cases by doing a cleanup and then a scuttle to a third of its total length.
- This pruning is wilder and directed at vines whose ribs achieve lengths of 3m or more.
- It is very important that leave stuck to tutor posts so that there is a yielding of buds.
- It is always important fertilize a plant after pruning, allow them to feed in order to achieve their potential for the conditions under which they reside.
The Right trim
You should always prune with your shears facing the ribs diagonally and a few millimeters from the yolk. In the following pictures you can see the correct cut (and incorrect), which must be applied correctly in order to allow the plant to grow stronger. Such is the role of pruning.
Correct cut: oblique and aligned to the blooming yolk, and a few mm apart.
Wrong cut: horizontal and too far from the place where the yolk will bloom.
Wrong Cut: contrary to the growth of the yolk.
- If you want the rosebush to yield fruits (some rosebushes reward your garden with fruit colors) delay autumn pruning.
Fruit of the Rosebush: postpone the autumn pruning to enjoy these decorative elements.
- The proper pruning varies from species to species, having been given here, the General rules.
- Refer to the place where you purchased your rosebush for more specific information.
My blog
My sincere compliments,
Maria da Graça Jorge TT05-09
quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010
A reciclagem e a economia energética.
In my opinion, the results of recycling and environmental protection are benefic both for the environment itself, as for the social and economic development. Most of all, it is important to bear in mind that our children will inherit from us the place they will be living and creating their own families.
I worry about this, but I think we can all do more, and by doing so, avoid that our children inherit more than an unsustainable planet where days are numbered. I believe that if we can do something now it is the time. I have children to care for and I know one day I will not be here anymore to help them and by then I will not be able to do anything for them and this scares me. Believe me when I say that we all will gain from preserving the environment, for instance, a short conscious trip to the trash bin, will allow in the future a walk to the country, going to the beach or even a drink of water.
A reciclagem e a economia energética.
Na minha opinião, os resultados da reciclagem e da protecção ambiental são benéficos tanto no campo ambiental, como no campo social e económico. Mas mais do que tudo isso, é importante termos a noção de que os nossos filhos vão herdar das nossas mãos o sítio onde vão viver e constituir a própria família.
Vivo preocupado com este assunto, mas creio que todos nós podemos fazer algo mais, e assim fazer com que esta herança não seja só um planeta insustentável com os dias contados. Acredito que se pudermos fazer algo é agora o momento, tenho filhos a crescer e sei que um dia não vou estar aqui para os ajudar, nessa altura nada poderei fazer por eles, é assustador. Acreditem que todos temos algo a ganhar com a preservação do ambiente, uma pequena ida ao lixo de forma consciente, poderá permitir no futuro um passeio pelo campo, uma ida a praia ou ainda mais simples, termos água para beber.
José Gouveia TT05/09
Internet - correcção de palavra
No meu comentário coloquei um erro, passo a corrigir a palavra feridas, quando queria dizer geridas.
Bom trabalho.
Luisa Santos TT06/09
Em Inglês
Hello everyone,
I put in my comment a mistake, I correct the word wounds, when he meant managed.
Good work.
Luisa Santos TT06/09
A importância da Internet
A internet é um conglomerado de redes em escala mundial de milhões de computadores interligados que permite o acesso a informações, e todo o tipo de transferência de dados. A internet também se tornou num grande mercado para as empresas, algumas das maiores empresas de hoje em dia cresceram tomando vantagem da natureza eficiente do comércio e da publicidade a baixos custos na internet. É o caminho mas rápido para difundir informações para um vasto número de pessoas simultaneamente. A internet também revolucionou subsequentemente as compras. Por exemplo, uma pessoa pode pedir um CD on-line e recebê-lo na sua caixa do correio dentro de alguns dias, ou descarregá-lo directamente em seu computador, em alguns casos. A internet também facilitou grandemente o mercado personalizado, que permite a uma empresa a oferecer os seus produtos a uma pessoa ou a um grupo específico mais do que qualquer outro meio de publicidade.
No entanto, nem tudo são benefícios como em tudo, tem que existir regras, ou controlo nas compras agressivas, os chat´s rooms, ou grupos sociais podem ser fonte de perigo, não só para nós adultos como também para as crianças. Nunca devemos colocar on line os nossos dados, ou fotos das crianças, uma vez que não conseguimos controlar quem acede a eles ou o que fazem com as imagens e igualmente com os nossos dados pessoais.
A internet e as redes sociais devem ser feridas cuidadosamente de forma a minimizar os seus maléficos.
Luisa Santos
Em Inglês
Good afternoon everyone,
The Internet is a conglomerate of worldwide networks of millions of interconnected computers that allows access to information, and all kinds of data transfer. The Internet also has become a large market for companies, some major companies of today grew up taking advantage of the efficient nature of commerce and advertising on the Internet at low cost. It's the fast way but to disseminate information to vast numbers of people simultaneously. The Internet has also subsequently revolutionized shopping. For example, a person can order a CD online and receive it in your mailbox within a few days, or download it directly on your computer, in some cases. The Internet has also greatly facilitated personalized marketing which allows a company to offer its products to a person or a particular group more than any other advertising medium.
However, not all benefits as with everything, there must be rules, or control the aggressive buying,'s in chat rooms or social groups can be dangerous not only for us adults as well as for children. We must never put our data online, or photos of children, since we can not control who accesses them or what they do with images and also with our personal data.
The internet and social networks must be carefully wound to minimize their evil.
Luisa Santos
segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010
What is the main difference between asthma and allergic rhinitis?

(Fonte: http://www.portalsaofrancisco.com.br/alfa/acaro/imagens/acaro.jpg)
Asthma and allergic rhinitis are not comparable because they are diseases of different organs. Asthma is a respiratory disease and bronchopulmonary allergic rhinitis, a disease of the nose and its annexes. These are, in both cases, the underlying diseases, inflammation, and, in many cases, asthma is also allergic origin. In asthma we note that intermittent attacks of breathlessness, or difficulty breathing while in allergic rhinitis, there are several symptoms related to the agent causing the allergy, which consist of repeated sneezing, nasal obstruction, with limitation of smell and nasal voice, the drop nose, etc...
Sandra Bruno, TT06/09
A nova roda dos alimentos

A Roda dos Alimentos é um instrumento de educação alimentar destinado à população em geral.
Esta representação gráfica foi concebida para orientar as escolhas e combinações alimentares que devem fazer parte de um dia alimentar saudável.
Utilizada desde 1977, como parte da Campanha de Educação Alimentar “Saber comer é saber viver”, a Roda dos Alimentos sofreu recentemente uma reestruturação, motivada pela evolução dos conhecimentos científicos e pelas alterações nos hábitos alimentares portugueses.
Mantendo o formato circular original, associado ao prato vulgarmente utilizado às refeições, a nova versão subdivide alguns dos anteriores grupos e estabelece porções diárias equivalentes, para além de incluir a água no centro desta nova representação gráfica.
A nova Roda dos Alimentos é composta por sete grupos, com funções e características nutricionais específicas:
•Cereais e derivados, tubérculos – 28%
•Hortícolas – 23%
•Fruta – 20%
•Lacticínios – 18%
•Carne, pescado e ovos – 5%
•Leguminosas – 4%
•Gorduras e óleos – 2%
Dentro de cada divisão estão reunidos alimentos nutricionalmente semelhantes entre si, para que possam ser regularmente substituídos, assegurando a variedade nutricional e alimentar.
(Fonte: http://www.portaldasaude.pt) consultado no dia 05 de Abril de 2010
Sandra Bruno, TT06/09
Em Inglês:
The Food Wheel is a tool for nutrition education for the general population.
This graphical representation is designed to guide choices and food combinations that should be part of a healthy daily diet.
Used since 1977 as part of the Campaign for Food Education "Knowing eat is knowing how to live," the Wheel of Food has recently undergone a restructuring, driven by developments in scientific knowledge and changes in dietary habits in Portugal.
Keeping the original circular shape, associated with the dish commonly used at meals, the new version breaks down some of the previous groups and establishing portions a day equivalent, plus include water in the center of this new graphical representation.
The new Food Wheel is composed of seven groups with specific nutritional characteristics and functions:
Grain products, tubers - 28%
• Vegetables - 23%
• Fruit - 20%
• Dairy - 18%
• Meat, fish and eggs - 5%
• Legumes - 4%
• Fats and Oils - 2%
Within each division are meeting nutritionally similar, so they can be replaced regularly, ensuring food and nutritional variety.
Sandra Bruno, TT06/09
terça-feira, 30 de março de 2010
Participação em Inglês no blogue sobre o uso da Internet
I will try to briefly give my opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of internet usage.
When it comes to the internet I cannot help but thinking of the great advantages but also disadvantages in its use. In my opinion one of the great advantages is the fast connection for example a video call which brings visual and audible contact to people being in different continents and at low cost. It's also amazing how much information we have access to any day, any time. But of course there are not only benefits, there are also disadvantages in particular easier access to little instructional content and unreliable, as well as abusive contacts , leading many young people, and not only hooked on its use, spending hours and hours without stopping in front of computers, so they isolate themselves from the real world! Like everything in life you need to have moderation in its use, not leaving us addicted by its " charms", because if we neglect spending hours in front of the computer bleaching direct and personal contact with our friends and family and simple conversations and laughs we fulfil the soul and warm the heart!
A great Easter to all
Ana Dulce Branco TT06/09
segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010
Tema sobre asma
Acácio Carloto Lourenço
Tendo encontrado um a informação interessante sobre a Asma, junto o texto original e a tradução sobre o que é a Asma
Asthma - Adventist HealthCare
Asthma is a chronic disease that involves inflammation of the lungs. Airways swell and restrict airflow in and out of the lungs, making it hard to breathe. The
word asthma comes from the Greek word for "panting." People with asthma pant and wheeze because of the restricted flow of air.
Normally, when you breathe in an irritant or are you experience a stressful activity such as exercise, your airways relax and open. This allows the lungs to get
rid of irritants or take in more air. But with asthma, muscles in the airways tighten, and the lining of the air passages swells.
About 20 million Americans have asthma, including 9 million children. In fact, asthma is the most common chronic childhood illness. About half of all cases
develop before the age of 10, and many children with asthma also have allergies.
Asthma can either be allergic or non-allergic. In allergic asthma, an allergic reaction to an inhaled irritant -- pet dander, pollen, dust mites -- triggers an attack.
The immune system springs into action, but instead of helping, it causes inflammation. This is the most common form of asthma.
Non-allergic asthma does not involve the immune system. Attacks can be triggered by stress, anxiety, cold air, smoke, or a virus. Some people have symptoms
only when they exercise, a condition known as exercise-induced asthma.
While there is no cure for asthma, it can be controlled.
A asma.
A asma é uma doença crónica que provoca a inflamação dos pulmões. Os canais de circulação do ar incham dificultando a entrada e saída do ar dificultando a respiração
A palavra “Asma” deriva de um termo grego que significa sibilar - os asmáticos chamam a este efeito pieira ou chieira - , ruído que os asmáticos produzem quando têm ataques de asma devido às restrições que o ar encontra ao passar de e para os pulmões.
A asma pode ser alérgica ou não alérgica. Os animais domésticos, os cheiros activos, o pólen das plantas, os pós velhos, etc. podem desenvolver um ataque de asma.
Nestes casos, o sistema imunitário ao entrar em acção, em vez de ajudar, provoca inflamação. Este é o caso mais comum de asma.
segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010
Portugal at It´s best
Following up the subject of opinion started by Ângelo Teodoro about the Portuguese people depreciate their own country, I do think that in reality we should not have that feeling as have done and still do things that contribute worldwide and have left marks until nowadays as we can see:
1- Portuguese is the sixth most spoken language in the world , the third most spoken in the western languages , after English and after Castellan, being the official language in nine countries and one administrative region distributed by four continents (american,african,asian and European),it´s used as the second language for 20 million persons .It´s the official language of 190 million and 235 million persons distributed by the following countries:
Angola (16,9 millions of inhabitants),Brazil (191 million),Cape Verde (500 mil),Guinea Bissau (1,4 million),Mozambique (20 million),Portugal (10,5 million),São Tomé e Príncipe (182 thousand),East Timor (1,1 millions) Equatorial Guinea (616 thousand) and in the special administrative region of Macau (538 thousands).
We should not forget as well the 4 million Galician and more than 3 million Galician emigrated in countries as Argentina, Uruguay, and Cuba, because the Galician is no more no less than a evolution of the Galician-Portuguese.
2- The Portuguese culture besides the language is present as well worldwide in countries as far as Iran or Brazil. Here is a comprehensive list of edifications built by Portugal in the world, 22 of them are world heritage, and as you can read we have twenty seven good reasons to elevate our ego for being Portuguese.
Fort of Hormuz –Hormuz, Iran
Historical city centre of Malacca –Malacca, Malaysia
Fort of Muscat – Muscat, Oman
Carmo monastery – Luanda, Angola
Old city of Santiago –Santiago, Cape Verde
New Gorgora - North bank of Lake Tana, Ethiopia
São Jorge da Mina Castle – São Jorge da Mina, Ghana
Fortified city of Mazagan – Mazagan, Morocco
Safi Fortress – Safi, Morocco
Church of Santo Antonio – Mozambique Island, Mozambique
Fortress of Jesus de Mombasa – Mombasa, Kenya
Fortress of Kilwa – Kilwa, Tanzania
Monastery of Santo Antonio and Ordem Terceira – Recife, Brazil
Monastery of São Francisco and Ordem Terceira – Salvador, Brazil
Monastery of São Bento of Olinda – Olinda, Brazil
Fortress of Principe of Beira – Banks of river Guapore, Brazil
Monastery of São Bento of Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sanctuary of Congonhas do Campo – Congonhas do Campo, Brazil
São Francisco da Penitência de Ouro Preto - Ouro Preto , Brazil
Colónia do Sacramento – Colónia do Sacramento , Uruguay
Sérgio Silva
TT 05/09
quarta-feira, 3 de março de 2010
The impact of the internet on society
I usually do research in many areas. On the internet we can get so much information, wich makes our life so much easier.
Everay day I read the news from around the world on the internet, so I don`t have to buy newspapers, wich means I`m trying to save the environment.
Best Regards
Sofia Ramos
terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010
Aviso sobre a correcta utilização da torradeira.
Check if the voltage indicated on the bottom of the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Do not let the appliance operate unattended.
Do not operate the appliance under or near curtains or other flammable materials or under wall cabinets, as this may cause fire.
Do not place the dust cover (specific types only) or any other object on top of the toaster when the appliance is switched on or when it is still hot, as this can cause damage or fire.
To avoid the risk of fire, frequently remove crumbs from the crumb tray. Make sure the crumb tray is correctly placed.
Immediately unplug the toaster if fire or smoke is observed.
Keep the mains cord away from hot surfaces.
If the mains cord is damaged, you must have it replaced by Philips, a service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
The appliance is only intended for toasting bread. Do not put any other ingredients in the appliance, as this may lead to a hazardous situation..
Verifique se a voltagem indicada na parte inferior do aparelho corresponde à voltagem eléctrica local, antes de ligar o aparelho.
Este aparelho não deve ser utilizado por pessoas (incluindo crianças) com capacidades físicas, sensoriais ou mentais reduzidas, ou com falta de experiência e conhecimento, a não ser que lhes tenha sido dada supervisão ou instruções relativas à utilização do aparelho por uma pessoa responsável pela sua segurança.
As crianças devem ser vigiadas para assegurar que não brincam com o aparelho.
Não deixe o aparelho a trabalhar sem vigilância.
Não ligue o aparelho por baixo ou perto de cortinas ou de outros materiais inflamáveis nem sob armários de parede, para evitar o risco de incêndio.
Não coloque a cobertura contra pó (apenas em modelos específicos) ou qualquer outro objecto sobre a torradeira quando o aparelho estiver ligado ou enquanto estiver quente, para evitar o risco de danos ou incêndio.
Para evitar o risco de incêndio, retire com frequência as migalhas que se juntarem no tabuleiro.
Verifique se o tabuleiro fica bem encaixado na posição correcta.
Desligue imediatamente a torradeira da corrente se observar chamas ou fumos.
Mantenha o fio de alimentação afastado de superfícies quentes.
Se o fio estiver danificado, deve ser sempre substituído pela Philips, por um centro de assistência
autorizado pela Philips ou por pessoal devidamente qualificado para se evitarem situações de perigo.
Este aparelho destina-se apenas a torrar pão. Não coloque outros ingredientes dentro do aparelho para evitar situações de perigo.
Com os meus cumprimentos,
Cristina Franco TT06/09
Nowadays technologies as the internet have a huge impact on our lives. They allow us to connect with every people around the world and have a relationship with them.
Bearing in mind, the Internet is a new way of find all kind of different interests, it also makes it easy to contact friends or family where they are not in their houses.
Com os meus cumprimentos,
Cristina Franco TT06/09
Swasthya Yôga
publico um artigo sobre Swasthya Yôga (Health/Therapeutic Yoga):
The term 'Swasthya' is a samskrita word, which is made of two elements 'swa' and 'stha'. Swa means the Self and stha means established. So, Swasthya means The Establishment in the Self. That person only will be called Swastha or healthy, who is Established in the Self. The English meaning of Swasthya is Health, which is made of two elements one 'heal' and another 'th'. Health means 'Establishment in the Healing Element'. Nothing has the greatest power to heal, but the SELF.
Yoga's constituents move you with a force in the Self which is the greatest healer, so it is considered also as a therapy and called Yoga Therapy. The word "therapy" comes from the Greek word therapeuein, meaning to heal, to take care of. Yoga Therapy heals and take care of the molecules of your body. All of you know that therapy is required only for a disease.
Disease is made of two segments - 'dis' and 'ease', thus dis-ease. The molecules, wherever and in whatever part of your body, mind and vital, lack ease, understand, there is disease or pain or grief. In another meaning, there Self lacks. If you are undergoing any physical, mental or vital dis-ease, let that part plunge into the Self, or let the Self move into those diseased molecules of your body, mind and vital part. Self can be moved and utilized only when see and handle the Self. First you require seeing then handling.
YOGA is a Science and Art, discovered by India, which has been used since ancient time to modern era, for Realization of SELF, so that you can obviously see and utilize your Self for wellness of body, mind, vitals and environment.
Com os meus cumprimentos,
Cristina Franco TT06/09
quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010
Venho apresentar uma breve reflexão em inglês sobre:Os perigos da Internet.
In the twenty-first century information technology has reached a level of development so effective that nobody is thinking about not being networked with the global world. For the older ones using the Internet is something useful, a tool, a way to be connected to the world almost like reality. But for children and teens that source of research can become truly dangerous, the multiple paths of recreational offer are highly doubtful. There is a tendency among modern parents for leaving the children alone with multimedia toys, life is so intense that it is not always easy to reconcile work with due attention to the family. No matter how attractive that might be social networks such as Messenger, Hi 5 and facebook, our children must learn to deal with a virtual reality as a means of expression of the modern world, but that it is not true reality. Teach your children the importance of privacy. Knowledge or virtual friendships developed on the Internet are momentary, often fictitious. Keep computers with Internet connection on open area where you can easily supervise the activities of your children, teach them to visit only sites approved by you and talk with you before giving out information through e-mail, chat rooms or forum messages. Insist that they can never agree to meet in person with someone they met online. Talk first with your kids about social networks.
Um abraço a todos os colegas do Grupo TT05/2009 e até dia 03/03/2010
Idalia Esteves
terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2010
The Internet
Fátima Santos TT06/09
domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2010
Opinião sobre a internet e redes sociais
Olá, deixo aqui a minha opinião sobre a internet e redes sociais. (Em inglês)
In my opinion social networking has a negative impact on the relationship of people, to isolate themselves in front of the computer and are limited to having online friends, this replacing the traditional relationships, wich in my opinion are more healthy.
A note also to the low productivity in companies due to excessive use of social net work by its employees.
In relation to the internet as i stress the positive aspect of aceess to information on any subject, ease in shoping, banking, business and entertainement, all without the move we.
Highlight the negative users who seek to deceive or entice or encourage children and teenagers to inappropiate content such as pornography.
A hug and good works.
terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010
A minha localidade
Gostaria de deixar aqui uma pequena abordagem sobre a origem da localidade onde vivo que tem passado de geração em geração através do testemunho oral e um pequeno texto em inglês sobre a internet na minha vida.
Contam as pessoas mais idosas que antigamente, neste lugar, existiam poucas casas. O espaço era ocupado maioritariamente por eiras, onde as pessoas secavam o milho e o trigo para fazerem a farinha.
Era um sítio muito bom para as eiras porque era ventoso e seco, com muito sol. Cada casa tinha uma eira onde os donos secavam o trigo e o milho. Estes cereais eram debulhados, na eira, a pé de gado (os animais pisavam os cereais). Esta era uma das formas de sustento das famílias, ligada aos moinhos de vento que proliferavam na altura.
Foi devido ao facto de existirem muitas eiras que lhe puseram o nome de Ereira, segundo as pessoas mais idosas.
The emergence of the Internet has allowed us a better and quicker access to information and communication.
I began using this medium to communicate with friends and family more often. In the case of family members who are abroad, where there was a letter or a phone call from time to time, or on special dates, more frequent the contact became. I also use it to address issues related to finances and the bank, which makes it easier for me in terms of time and travel to these entities. Internet access also allows me to progress in my self-training, as I can, without leaving home, access to a wide variety of information, both in the working market, and in the personal area.
quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010
Rumo ao 12º ano
The internet have a big impact to us but in the past so the telegraph, the telephone, the radio and the television made a big impact to our ancestors and still does to us, I think that in few years something new will appear, that´s the price of evolution.
No doubt it´s amazing two persons one each corner of world and communicate by webcam, we know the news at real time for example the earthquake in Haiti, the September 11th , for a global education and learn cultures from every places that you imagine, to search everything you want, but does some bad things to, that´s why the internet must have rules and ethics for a correct use, for example the orthography is being murdered in our case the Portuguese, I have seen examples like … k axas dixo?.. and the correct is …que achas disso?, at some point they can´t separate the right from wrong, when I´m on the messenger and somebody start´s write whit abbreviations I hate.
The internet is a business to, in internet you can buy everything you want from any place you want and sell to, actually I already purchase some things from United Kingdom and was delivery by mail, but you have to be cautious because some websites are fake and steal your money, I recommend some trusted websites like miau or ebay for example.