domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2010

Opinião sobre a internet e redes sociais

Patrício Pereira TT 06/9

Olá, deixo aqui a minha opinião sobre a internet e redes sociais. (Em inglês)

In my opinion social networking has a negative impact on the relationship of people, to isolate themselves in front of the computer and are limited to having online friends, this replacing the traditional relationships, wich in my opinion are more healthy.

A note also to the low productivity in companies due to excessive use of social net work by its employees.

In relation to the internet as i stress the positive aspect of aceess to information on any subject, ease in shoping, banking, business and entertainement, all without the move we.

Highlight the negative users who seek to deceive or entice or encourage children and teenagers to inappropiate content such as pornography.

A hug and good works.

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