Como as pesquisas que efectuo vem de websites, muitas das vezes em Inglês, optei por não tornar o meu blogue bilingue e ter apenas conteúdos em Português para Portugueses.
Assim traduzo aqui para Inglês uma das mensagens que coloquei no meu blogue e cujo tema é a “poda das roseiras” ou em Inglês “pruning the rosebushes”.
A pesquisa que efectuei sobre este tema foi muito produtiva pois embora já conhecesse muitas das dicas que lá coloco aprendi as razões pelas quais elas devem ser aplicadas.
Before we proceed we must ask ourselves, why is it so important to prune a Rosebush?
If they are wild plants, then why prune them?

The advantages of pruning plants, is the result of thousand year old traditions and knowledge. Since the early days of sedentary life, that humans have developed techniques for agriculture, allowing advantages in production yields and/or aesthetic properties superior to those found on the original wild plants.
Thus, the advantages of pruning may be summarized as follows:
- It gives them Health (not pruned, the rosebushes lose their beautiful appearance)
- Favors larger flowers and flowering (many)
- Does reduce the risk of disease (damaged toes, withered flowers are very vulnerable to infections)
Still there remains the need to take into consideration excessive pruning and safety measures:
- An excessive pruning can kill the rosebush mainly if there is already a lack of proper care. Proceed progressively.
- Protect your hands from spikes using protective gloves.
In General we should prune the rosebush for the first time shortly after the first buds appear, in accordance with the following steps:
- Cut each Branch above the 3rd newborn bud counting from the base (above 4 or 5 If the rosebush is vigorous)
- Cutting the older branches which assimilate a grayish color
- Put fertilizer in the toe.
During the plant’s life pruning should be carried out with regularity, while always remembering to:
- Cut the weakest buds which are most prone to disease
- Cut branches which intersect and crossover each other and prevent the circulation of air
- Dig the land around the foot of the plant in order to aerate the roots.
How does it work, when and why?
Generally, in the colder months of the year, and when the rosebushes in a "dormant" state, they should be pruned so as to allow the plant to strongly develop into a proper growth and help produce good quality flowers.
Most plants need to be pruned, but in the case of rosebushes, pruning them is very important to assure future proper plant development.
Overall, the right time to prune of rose bushes should be at the beginning of their growth season, spring. However, if your area happens to be very cold and windy, as mine is, it is also advisable to clear them up in the autumn, so that the rosebushes do not sustain any injuries during the winter.
Usually the first pruning should occur one year after having been planted – the so-called rookie pruning, which will essentially guide the structure of the rosebush.
After this first plant modeling session, an annual cleanup of the rosebush should be made, which will eliminate any damaged, broken, or pest infected branches. Left alone, these branches, would eventually weaken the plant, while emasculating healthy branches that would have greater potential to yield flowers with higher quality.
Nonetheless, guidance is necessary when dealing with rosebushes and most of the activities relating to pruning. It is advisable to wait until the temperature is around 10ºC, since the plant is in a state of dormancy. The phase of the Moon should be Waning Gibbous because, although it’s not proven scientifically, the fact is that pruning during this lunar phase yields better results and is thus more favorable. The pruning of rosebushes will always depend on the species in question (meaning that it will be different if we are talking about a shrub or a vine) and has two functions: to model and to revitalize the plant.
There are three types of pruning to take into account with respect to the rosebushes:
Low Pruning
- First do a clean-up of the rosebush, removing weak and ill-formed branches.
- Then cut all branches, leaving them at a height of 3 yolks from the shaft (25cm from the graft point).
- Cutting always in diagonal approximately 1 cm above the nearest yolk.
- This will force blooming. Ideal for pitfall-roses, "Santa Teresina" roses or thumbnails.
Tall Pruning
- Once again do a clean-up of the plant similar to the low pruning while cutting 80cm long branches to a height of 1 m.
- In stronger plants one may leave them a little longer, but avoid the rosebush grouping usually it’s more appropriated to the place where they are situated.
- This type of pruning is used for both rosebushes and shrubs, although in the case of vines, there is no need to be as dramatic.
Partial Pruning
- Follow the same start as in the previous cases by doing a cleanup and then a scuttle to a third of its total length.
- This pruning is wilder and directed at vines whose ribs achieve lengths of 3m or more.
- It is very important that leave stuck to tutor posts so that there is a yielding of buds.
- It is always important fertilize a plant after pruning, allow them to feed in order to achieve their potential for the conditions under which they reside.
The Right trim
You should always prune with your shears facing the ribs diagonally and a few millimeters from the yolk. In the following pictures you can see the correct cut (and incorrect), which must be applied correctly in order to allow the plant to grow stronger. Such is the role of pruning.

Correct cut: oblique and aligned to the blooming yolk, and a few mm apart.

Wrong cut: horizontal and too far from the place where the yolk will bloom.

Wrong Cut: contrary to the growth of the yolk.
- If you want the rosebush to yield fruits (some rosebushes reward your garden with fruit colors) delay autumn pruning.

Fruit of the Rosebush: postpone the autumn pruning to enjoy these decorative elements.
- The proper pruning varies from species to species, having been given here, the General rules.
- Refer to the place where you purchased your rosebush for more specific information.
My blog
My sincere compliments,
Maria da Graça Jorge TT05-09